Akemi Chikaoka -en

Akemi Chikaoka

近岡 明美 ちかおか あけみ


Born in KAGOSHIMA, Japan 1973

Live in Tokyo

Graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Tokyo, Japan) -German language course-


2015-       a Support-Member of the “Glass Around 70’s”  (Glass Artist Group in Japan)



Artist Statement

When I move, my world begins to move. When I stop, my world stops. I am ruled over the moment in time and space when this stillness and motion are replaced. The replacement of time and space begins from my action. The curiosity to the action lets me bring about a new image, and express it again.

The motion is brought about by power, but cannot move only by power. The human found it changing time into power, but must not forget that it is fragile. I want to create relations of motion and the power in a form as the appearance. The glass is the indispensable material for me to express what I want to do. The existence is changed by light and this material is moved by heat is characterized the glass and affects my heart. When you stand in front of my work, I wish that you see it as you move.